California Real Estate Agent Email List

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Get a reliable, high-quality realtor database with 95% email deliverability for connecting with agents and realtors in the real estate industry. The data is human-verified and up-to-date, including realtor names, contact details, and license information. Purchase at an affordable rate to start networking today.

Last Database Update Date - Jan 02, 2025

California State
  • # of Realtors :293,973
  • # of Email Addresses: 293,973
  • Office Address :53,144
  • Office Phone :52,279
  • Office Fax :22,849
  • Cell Phone :131,508

Do you want a bigger list for your marketing campaign?

Screenshot and Sample file of California Realtor List

We have shared a screenshot that will give you an idea of what California Realtor database looks like. The spreadsheet you download consists of essential information about the agent.

sample data

Get a sample of list of the top real estate agents to boost your sales and ROI.

Data Fields of California Realtor Email List

Our California Realtor Database will include the real estate agent's name, phone number, email ID, Fax number, license number, and other essential fields. Check all fields below.
Full Name of Realtor
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Email Address
Office Name
Office Address1
Office Address2
Office City
Office State
Office Zip
Office County
Office Phone
Office Fax
Cell Phone
License Type
License Number

Price Plan for California Realtor Email List

We have redesigned the pricing with different options for the California Realtor List, which will be based on the details of the realtors you want. Data is now available at several different and affordable rates.
Email Database Package - 293,973 Realtors
A subset of the complete database which includes following data fields
  • Full Name (First,Middle,Last,Suffix)
  • Email Address
  • Office Name
  • Office Address (Steet, City, State, Zip, County)
  • Office Country
Complete Database Package - 293,973 Realtors
Includes All data fields
  • Full Name (First,Middle,Last,Suffix)
  • Email Address
  • Office Name (real estate company names list)
  • Office Address (Steet, City, State, Zip, County)
  • Office Phone
  • Office Fax
  • Cell Phone
  • License Type and Number
  • Association

FAQ Regarding California Real Estate Agent Email List

Is your list of email addresses for California real estate agents complete for all the counties?

Yes, we make sure our list of California Realtor emails is checked by people and includes contact details from every county in the state. Whether it's San Francisco, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Diego, or Alameda, has contact information for thousands of real estate agents. You can easily create a specific email list by choosing the criteria that match your campaign needs, like selecting leads only from Realtors in California.

Is it possible to purchase an email database of California real estate agents online? is the go-to online platform for acquiring a California Realtor email database with high-quality, human-verified contact information. For real estate professionals like yourself, the Golden State offers abundant opportunities. Instead of manually searching for leads on Google or local directories, let JozEmailList handle the task. This way, you can swiftly connect with local Realtors in thriving markets such as San Francisco or Long Beach, CA. Additionally, you have the flexibility to narrow down your search to emails that cater specifically to your niche market!

When can I quickly get access to my California real estate agent email leads?

You can download your California Realtor email list right away. Our platform allows you to access it within seconds. We offer a wide range of mailing lists suitable for finding leads in any industry or location for your marketing campaigns. It's a simple process: choose the list type, apply your filters, and perform a payment process. You'll quickly see how many leads meet your criteria, and you can instantly download them as a CSV file.

How is the California real estate agent email database kept up-to-date?

We use a combination of automated and manual methods to guarantee the accuracy of our human-verified lists. Our automated system validates the data, and our expert team directly contacts each lead through social media to verify the information. This ensures that every record is up to date before being added to our database.
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